Mulberry Pie Recipe

Mulberry Pie Recipe

Easy Homemade Mulberry Pie Recipe – A Deliciously Fruity Dessert Experience

Imagine sinking your teeth into a slice of homemade mulberry pie, where the crust is flaky and golden, and the filling is a delightful blend of sweet and tart mulberries, enhanced with just the right amount of sugar and spice. That’s the essence of this Easy Homemade Mulberry Pie Recipe, a deliciously fruity dessert experience. As a food reviewer who’s had the pleasure of savoring countless pies, I can attest that this mulberry pie recipe is a standout. It’s not just a pie; it’s a celebration of seasonal fruit in its most delectable form.

Why You Will Love This Mulberry Pie Recipe

Mulberries are not your everyday pie filling, which makes this recipe a unique treat. The combination of simple ingredients and the natural sweetness of mulberries creates a dessert that’s both refreshing and satisfying. Here are a few reasons why you’ll adore this mulberry pie:

  • Seasonal Delight: Mulberries have a short season, making this pie a special treat.
  • Perfectly Balanced Flavor: The natural sweetness of the berries is balanced with the slight tartness, creating a perfectly balanced filling.
  • Simple Ingredients: This recipe uses straightforward, wholesome ingredients that let the mulberry flavor shine.

How To Make Mulberry Pie Recipe : Step by Step Guide.

  • Preparation Time
    20 minutes
  • Cooking Time
    45-50 minutes
  • Serves
    8 People
  • Difficulty

Ingredients :-

  • 4 cups of fresh mulberries, stems removed
  • 1 cup of granulated sugar (adjust based on the sweetness of your mulberries)
  • 2 tablespoons of cornstarch
  • A pinch of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract (optional)
  • 2 tablespoons of unsalted butter, cut into small pieces
  • 1 package of store-bought or homemade pie crust (2 crusts)

Instructions :-

Preparing the Pie Crust

  1. Preheat your oven to 375Β°F (190Β°C).
  2. Roll out one pie crust and place it in a 9-inch pie dish. Trim the edges to fit the dish.

Making the Filling

  1. In a large bowl, combine the mulberries, sugar, cornstarch, salt, lemon juice, and vanilla extract. Gently toss until the berries are evenly coated.
  2. Pour the berry mixture into the prepared pie crust, spreading it out evenly. Dot the filling with pieces of butter.

Assembling and Baking the Pie

  1. Roll out the second pie crust and lay it over the filling. Trim any excess dough, then crimp the edges to seal the pie. Cut a few slits in the top crust to allow steam to escape.
  2. Bake in the preheated oven for about 45-50 minutes, or until the crust is golden brown and the filling is bubbly. Let the pie cool on a wire rack before serving.

Pro Tips For Mulberry Pie Recipe

  • Choosing Mulberries: Opt for ripe, juicy berries for the best flavor. If you’re picking them wild, ensure they’re from a safe, unpolluted area.
  • Thickness of the Filling: Adjust the amount of cornstarch based on how juicy your berries are. More juice may require a bit more cornstarch to thicken properly.
  • Serving: This pie is delightful when served warm, especially with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top.

How to Eat Mulberry Pie Recipe

Enjoy your mulberry pie warm or at room temperature. For an extra indulgence, pair it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or a dollop of whipped cream.


This Easy Homemade Mulberry Pie Recipe transforms simple, seasonal ingredients into a dessert that’s bursting with flavor and charm. It’s a recipe that celebrates the simplicity of home baking and the joy of sharing delicious food with loved ones. If you love this recipe, don’t forget to share it!

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FAQs On Mulberry Pie Recipe

  1. What are mulberries?
    • Mulberries are sweet, slightly tart berries that grow on mulberry trees, available in red, black, and white varieties.
  2. Can I use frozen mulberries for this pie?
    • Yes, you can use frozen mulberries. Thaw and drain them well before use to avoid excess liquid in the pie.
  3. How do I remove stems from mulberries?
    • Gently twist and pull the stems off the berries. It’s a bit tedious but necessary for a pleasant texture.
  4. Can I adjust the sugar in the recipe?
    • Absolutely. Adjust the sugar based on the sweetness of your mulberries and personal preference.
  5. What’s the purpose of cornstarch in the pie?
    • Cornstarch thickens the filling, giving it a nice consistency that’s not too runny.
  6. Can I make mulberry pie without a top crust?
    • Yes, you can make it as an open-faced pie or use a lattice top for a decorative touch.
  7. Is it necessary to pre-bake the bottom crust?
    • It’s not required for this recipe, but you can pre-bake if you prefer a crisper bottom.
  8. How do I prevent the pie crust edges from burning?
    • Cover the edges with foil or a pie shield halfway through baking.
  9. Can I use a store-bought crust for this recipe?
    • Yes, a store-bought crust works well and saves time.
  10. What can I do if my filling is too runny?
    • Add a bit more cornstarch to the filling before baking, or bake a bit longer.
  11. How long should the pie cool before serving?
    • Let it cool for at least 2-3 hours to set the filling.
  12. Can I make this pie with a gluten-free crust?
    • Yes, simply use your favorite gluten-free pie crust recipe or pre-made crust.
  13. Is mulberry pie freezable?
    • Yes, you can freeze the baked pie or the unbaked pie. Thaw overnight in the fridge before reheating or baking.
  14. What’s the best way to serve mulberry pie?
    • Serve warm or at room temperature, ideally with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream.
  15. Can I use a mix of berries for the pie?
    • Yes, mixing mulberries with other berries like raspberries or blackberries can create a delightful pie.
  16. How can I tell when the pie is done?
    • The crust should be golden brown, and the filling should be bubbly.
  17. What’s the shelf life of mulberry pie?
    • It can last up to 3 days at room temperature or 5 days refrigerated.
  18. Can I make this pie vegan?
    • Yes, use a vegan pie crust and replace the butter with a plant-based alternative.
  19. Why did my pie filling overflow?
    • This can happen if the pie is overfilled or the oven temperature is too high.
  20. How do I get a crispy bottom crust?
    • Bake the pie on a lower oven rack or use a preheated baking sheet.
  21. Can I add spices to the filling?
    • Yes, cinnamon, nutmeg, or allspice complement the mulberries well.
  22. Why is my pie crust soggy?
    • Excess moisture from the berries can cause this. Ensure they’re well-drained, or add a bit more cornstarch.
  23. Can I replace cornstarch with another thickener?
    • Yes, tapioca starch or all-purpose flour are good alternatives.
  24. How do I make a lattice top for my pie?
    • Cut the top crust into strips and weave them over the filling, then crimp the edges to seal.
  25. Is lemon juice necessary in the filling?
    • Lemon juice adds brightness and balances the sweetness, but you can omit it if preferred.
  26. How do I store leftover pie?
    • Cover and store at room temperature for up to 3 days or refrigerate for longer shelf life.
  27. Can I make the pie dough in advance?
    • Yes, you can prepare the dough ahead and refrigerate or freeze until ready to use.
  28. Why is my pie filling not thickening?
    • The filling may need more cornstarch or longer cooling time to set properly.
  29. Can I decorate my pie with mulberries on top?
    • Absolutely. Fresh mulberries on top can add a beautiful and tasty garnish.
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